How to Plan for Adding New Patients to Your Dental Office

Affecting change in any business requires careful planning and a coordinated rollout. If adding new dental patients is high on your mind for 2020, the first step involves drafting a strategic plan. This road map should include goals and dates for when benchmarks should be met. No plan ever unfolds perfectly, so revising the timeline periodically throughout the year is perfectly normal. 

Are you ready to plan for new patients for your dental office? Here are some proven tips that can help you reach that goal.

1. Use Technology to Enhance Convenience

How often do you book appointments online? We no longer call or visit a travel agent to book a flight, and many of your potential dental patients expect the same online convenience when booking appointments. Over 80 percent of patients prefer booking their appointments online, according to Intuit Health. 

If this service sounds like a worthwhile incentive for new patients, start doing your own market research. Are your competitors offering online booking? By allowing patients to book an appointment immediately after finding your website, you can quickly convert a potential client into a new member of your dental family. 

2. Encourage Patient Reviews

Unfortunately, even one bad review can scare away potential patients. Rather than seeing patient reviews as a passive process, your strategic growth plan can include ideas on how to encourage patient reviews. Having a sign on your front desk that reminds patients to leave online reviews is one way to ensure that happy customers don’t forget to share their experiences. 

Training members of your dental team to encourage online reviews is another easy way to ensure that your online image reflects your hard work and dedication. Customer surveys can ensure that your patients are happy with their service. 

3. Know Your SEO

Have you always wondered what your Search Engine Optimization ranking is? Finding out is free. Simply Google phrases that locals would enter when searching for a dentist. Google knows where the questions are input and recommends local businesses according to a proprietary logarithm.

Examples of prompts include:

  • [Name of city] dentist
  • Where can I have my teeth cleaned?
  • Affordable dentist in [city name]  

A growing number of online searches are completed verbally through a smartphone, so be sure to write your Google prompt as someone might speak it into a phone. Also, ask for feedback and rankings from multiple sources. Google may disproportionately list your dental practice based on your past searches. 

Once you know how your dental practice ranks, you can take steps to improve your SEO rankings. Many companies provide contracted services to boost SEO rankings. Blogging is another way to improve your rankings. 

4. Stand Out from the Crowd

One of the most effective tools for reaching new customers involves reaching outside your dental practice. This can be online or through community events. Setting aside a budget for sponsoring local events can help your business’ brand reach new eyes. If your dental office is not using social media, you may be missing out on free advertisement. 

Patient testimonials and photos of beautiful smiles lend authenticity to your content marketing efforts. Remember, engaging with potential audience members builds loyalty that can result in new patients. Consider providing tips and advice that followers may find interesting. Topics might include:

  • Top foods and drinks that can stain your teeth
  • How often should I see my dentist?
  • When does my toddler need to have his or her first dental appointment? 

Want more helpful tips?

At Dental Practice Enhancements, we create specialized team building programs for each of our clients. Our passion is to see our clients succeed in all areas of their dental practice by creating a positive environment for communication and growth. Contact our office online or call (833) 373-3678.

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